Board Meeting Minutes – September 10, 2024
Legend for Question and Answer (Q&A) sections: Q = Question, A = Answer, C = Comment
Consult September 2024 agenda (PDF) to view submitted committee reports.
Board: Bob Gordon, Georgia Blondon, Kristine Houde, Don Fugler, Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay, Tom Scott, John Dance, Catherine Pacella, Ron Rose, Gregg Whetton
Invited speakers: Lee Jacobs, Ariela Kay Summit
Other attendees: Paul Goodkey, Doug Macaulay, Heather Jarrett, Wendy McRae, Rick Burrowes
1. Welcome & land acknowledgement – Bob Gordon
2. Approval of agenda
- Motion to approve the agenda for the September 2024 meeting with amendments moved by Ron Rose and seconded by Tom Scott.
- A motion added under transportation report and the updated draft letter now on website with slight revisions and signature.
- A request to discuss AGM timelines in new business
- All Board members in favour, motion passed.
3. Approval of minutes
- Motion to approve the minutes for the June 2024 meeting moved by Kristine Houde and seconded by John Dance.
- All Board members in favour, motion passed.
4. Councillor’s Report – Ariela Kay Summit
- No written report submitted.
- Expressed anticipation for the upcoming Main Street event and plans to organize a ward-wide bike ride.
- Discussed plans to host coffeehouse drop-ins with Shawn across the ward.
- Met with city planning staff about new zoning by-laws, which will impact Old Ottawa East.
- Shared proposed changes to the idling control by-law, reducing allowable idling time from three minutes to one minute.
- Highlighted details about the Springhurst dock installation and addressed concerns from residents about the dock’s limited accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Will need to determine a path forward to improve accessibility.
- Ariela will be taking maternity leave in mid-October, and a search is currently underway to find a replacement to assume her responsibilities.
Q&A – Councillor
- Q (John Dance) Requested clarification if city staff plan to include Alta Vista Transportation Corridor in the Transportation Masterplan.
- A: No clear commitment from city to remove AVTC from the Transportation Masterplan. The city is proposing to hold consultation on the subject in January 2025. Shawn continues to raise the issue to the Mayor and via other city channels.
- Q (Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay) Requested clarification on whether the letter from Shawn and Joel Harden to the Minister of Housing was sent, requesting reimbursement of the Glebe’s legal fees.
- A: Ariela will need to follow up to obtain additional clarification.
- Q (Tom Scott) Raised concerns about the accessibility criteria used in the development of the Springhurst dock.
- A: Ariela highlighted that the city will develop signage to inform users that the dock does not meet accessibility criteria. Opportunities may exist to improve accessibility at the Brantwood dock.
- Q (Paul Goodkey) Requested additional clarification regarding the appeal for 48 McNaughton Ave, and raised concerns about the new zoning by-laws, including the new density targets.
- A: Ariela will need to follow up to obtain additional clarification.
5. Chair’s Report – Bob Gordon
- No written report submitted.
- In June, a meet-and-greet with Rideau Terraces was held to establish regular meetings for maintaining open communication.
- Rick Burrowes was praised for his ongoing work and engagement with the People’s Park.
- A meeting with councillor and city staff on maintaining garbage receptacles at Brantwood Park throughout the year.
- Met with the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre representative about ongoing activities and engagement to improve health and safety of the community.
Q&A – President
- Q (Kristine Houde) Any details shared on reason for shortcomings in funding to continue developments?
- A: Although no specific details were provided, it was noted that initial costs exceeded estimates due to unforeseen issues.
6. Treasurer’s Report – Don Fugler
- Current balance of $20,502.18
7. CAG Report – Lee Jacobs
- No written report submitted.
- The Main Event will be held on September 20-21. The final planning details for the event are currently being completed, including the logistics for the movie night, the fundraiser barbeque and the community garage sale.
- The success of the weekly summer barbeques was also shared. All profits from the event support the work of CAG.
- The after-school program has reached the pre-pandemic enrollment levels.
- A part-time staff member has been hired to support the work of CAG, including the development of the newsletter.
- The newsletter will be developed and distributed biweekly.
- Provincial funding delays are affecting the development of the new community centre, which in turn is impacting future CAG future programming.
- C (Ron Rose) Seeking further volunteers to support the Main Event.
8. Committee Reports
8.1 Membership – Jayson MacLean
- Report tabled.
- The membership drive is set to begin soon and will run for approximately one month, concluding in late October. Additional volunteers are needed to support the drive.
- Electronic transfers will be available for online memberships this year.
Q&A – Membership
- Q (Community member) Any discussions on increasing the fee for membership?
- A: No discussion of a fee increase has occurred this year, it could be a topic for next year’s membership drive.
8.2 Transportation and Infrastructure – Tom Scott
- Report tabled.
- Ongoing concerns about cut-through traffic to avoid the Greenfield-Main-Hawthorne Reconstruction Project to access Colonel By Drive. The matter has been raised with the councillor’s office.
- Additional concerns have been raised regarding Greystone residents parking on the street. This issue is expected to worsen as more residences are built and the neighborhood’s population grows.
- A letter has been drafted to the Ontario Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks about the MTO Downtown Bridges development, addressing the lack of community consultations and to reassess the Transportation Environmental Study Report for the project.
Motion – Transportation and Infrastructure
Motion put forward for OOECA to approve draft letter and send to the Ontario Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks requesting that an order be issued by them as outlined in attached letter.
- Moved by Ron Rose and seconded by John Dance. All in favour.
8.3 Planning – Vacant – Acting –John Dance – Report Submitted by Paul Goodkey
- No written report submitted.
- Bob, Phyllis, John or Joseph will represent OOECA at any city staff pre-consultation meeting on rezoning proposals and site control plans.
- On September 4, FCA met with city staff to discuss new zoning bylaw changes. Public comments on new zoning bylaw changes are welcome until end of October.
- The Official Plan Omnibus Amendment 2 is a proposal to make significant changes to Ottawa’s Official Plan. It will be discussed at the city planning committee in October. OOECA planning representatives had some issues with amendments and attended a meeting with the city staff in early September to share their concerns.
- A request was put forward to have in writing for OOECA to authorize Ron Rose and/or Paul Goodkey to represent OOECA at the OLT hearing.
- Kristine Houde volunteered to meet with the planning committee to document their concerns and support their ongoing discussions with city planning.
8.4 Parks and Greenspace – Vacant – Report Submitted by Kristine Houde
- Report tabled.
- Concerns were raised about accessibility issues with the new Springhurst dock and the city’s failure to engage the community during its development. Moving forward, improved engagement is needed between the city and the community on future development projects.
- Cleaning the Capital is being discussed to occur twice a year.
Motion – Parks and Greenspace
Motion to provide funding to purchase two water testing kits – approximately $300 – to test the water quality in the Rideau River in Old Ottawa East in 2025.
- Moved by John Dance and seconded by Tom Scott. All in favour, except one abstention.
8.5 The Corners on Main and Greystone Village – Peter Tobin
- Report tabled.
- A new business – Vets on Main – will be opening soon.
8.6 Health and Safety – Georgia Blondon
- Report tabled.
- Concerns about jaywalking in the neighborhood continue and will be raised with the councillor’s office.
- A new liaison officer – James Kennedy – has been appointed for the community.
Q&A – Health and Safety
- C (Bob Gordon) The request for a crossing guard at Evelyn and Main has been rejected by the city, as it did not meet criteria for a crossing guard to be assigned.
8.7 Lansdowne – Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay
- Report tabled.
- Details of a petition were raised, requesting a city-wide referendum for the Lansdowne 2.0 project, citing the costs associated with the project and its implications for all residents.
- The Urban Design Review Panel has completed its report on the Lansdowne 2.0 project, highlighting a range of concerns, including the loss of greenspace.
- Bill 185 passed, which limits third-party appeals to specific stakeholders. This means community associations, such as OOECA, have lost their ability to appeal such projects as Lansdowne 2.0.
Q&A – Lansdowne
- Q (Tom Scott) Has there been any discussion regarding traffic concerns with the Lansdowne 2.0 project?
- A: Consultants hired for Lansdowne 2.0 project concluded that there will be no impact on traffic in the area.
8.8 Communications/IT/Web – Kristine Houde
- Report tabled.
- A survey link for the OOECA logo project is published in the Main Streeter.
- The planning for the Brantwood Gates ceremony will be discussed further in October.
- Call for volunteers posted for The Main Event, including reaching out to Immaculata High School.
8.9 Federation of Citizen’s Associations of Ottawa (FCA) – Ron Rose
- No written report submitted.
8.10 Sustainable Living Ottawa East (SLOE) – Vacant
- No written report submitted.
9 New Business
- We are currently looking for a new venue for the upcoming Annual General Assembly in November. Any suggestions for potential locations would be greatly appreciated.
10 Adjournment
- Motion to adjourn moved by Tom Scott and seconded by Bob Gordon.