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About Us


The Old Ottawa East Community Association (OOECA) is the volunteer run association representing the residents and businesses of Old Ottawa East.

Monthly meetings take place the 2nd Tuesday of each month with a summer break in July and August. Annual General Meetings (AGM) are on the 2nd Tuesday of November. Everyone is welcome to attend.

  • Visit our Events page for meeting details to join our next meeting in person or online.
  • Read minutes from past meetings and AGMs on the Archive page. 

Annual OOECA membership costs $5 per household or business. Memberships are available for purchase Fall membership drive, at any of our meetings, or online with e-transfer (or mail with cheque).

  • Visit our Membership page for sign-up details and learn how membership supports our community.
  • Read our constitution and bylaws, updated in 2012, for member eligibility and how OOECA operates.

OOECA Board Members


  • President – Bob Gordon
  • Past President – Phyllis Odenbach Sutton
  • Vice-President – Catherine Pacella
  • Secretary – Felix Mercure
  • Treasurer – Don Fugler


Visit our Committees page to learn more about our committees, active projects, and ways to volunteer your time, skills, and expertise.

  • Membership – Jayson MacLean
  • The Corners on Main/Greystone Village – Peter Tobin
  • Transportation & Infrastructure – Tom Scott
  • Planning – Vacant
  • Parks and Greenspace – Vacant
  • Lansdowne – Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay
  • Health and Safety – Georgia Blondon
  • FCA (Federation of Citizens’ Associations) – Ron Rose
  • SLOE (Sustainable Living Ottawa East) – Vacant
  • IT and Communications – Bob Gordon, Kristine Houde

Members at Large

  • John Dance, Gregg Whetton, Natalie Anthony, Matt Francino, Suzanne Johnston

Our mandate and strategic priorities 

In addition to our overall mandate (below), the board has a set of strategic goals and priorities.

  • Encourage citizen participation in the planning and development of the community.
  • Provide a vehicle through which Old Ottawa East resident, business, and community opinions, wishes, and feedback can be shared with elected representatives and their staff.
  • Preserve and improves Old Ottawa East as a residential community, its history and heritage.
  • Enhance amenities in Old Ottawa East to help improve the quality of life for residents.
  • Protect and enhance parks and greenspaces.

Community partners and groups

OOECA works closely with community partners on issues that impact our collective communities:

  • Ottawa East Community Activities Group (CAG)
  • Glebe (GCA), Old Ottawa South (OSCA), and other partner community associations
  • Sandy Hill Community Health Centre (SHCHC).

OOECA is also a member of the Federation of Citizens’ Associations (FCA), Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability Ottawa (CAFES), City Centre Coalition, Citizens for Healthy Communities, and the Coalition Against Queensway Widening.

Municipal, provincial and federal partners

Community newspaper

Our community newspaper is The Mainstreeter, published six times a year (approximately every two months).

Report concerns or safety issues

For city concerns such as by-law enforcement, street, sidewalk, and snow maintenance, garbage and recycling, or community services, visit Service Ottawa online, call 3-1-1 or email

Let OOECA know about issues that concern you by copying us on emails to the CIty our elected officials, or reaching out to us directly at

Old Ottawa East history


Website compiled – and partially written – by Rick Wallace

Old Ottawa East was originally the suburban community of Archville. It was incorporated as the village of Ottawa East in 1888, then amalgamated with the larger City of Ottawa in 1907.

Visit to learn more about how Old Ottawa East began, with over 500 photographs and 300 pages of text about the development of this community.

Old Ottawa East map

Old Ottawa East map with its boundaries outlined: Rideau Canal to the west, Rideau River to the east, highway 417 to the north, and Avenue road to the south.