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Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes—2023

Hybrid meeting (Zoom and Old Town Hall, 61 Main Street, Ottawa, ON)


Board members

Bob Gordon, Catherine Pacella, Phyllis Odenbach Sutton, Don Fugler, Kristine Houde, John Dance, Ron Rose, Tom Scott, Jayson Maclean, Peter Tobin, Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay, Courtenay Beauregard, Georgia Blondon, Jamie Brougham

Invited guests

Joel Harden, MPP, and Ariela Summit for Councillor Shawn Menard, Capital Ward

Other attendees

Allison Eddy, Bonnie Mewdell, Daniel Baker, Elaine Caldwell, Erika Aruja, Felix Mercure, Gregg Whetton, Heather Jarrett, Ian McRae, Irene Van Bavel, John Royle, Marc, Meg Beckel, Paul Goodkey, Peter Beaman, Peter Roberts, Robert Pengally, Eric Fisk, Sarina Scaffidi Argentina, Ryley Carter, Donna Killeen, Heather Raine, Nathalie Belliveau, Doug Macaulay

Call to order, Welcome, and Land acknowledgement – Bob Gordon

Attendees were asked to hold questions and comments until the open forum.

Greetings from elected representatives

MPP Joel Harden and Ariela Summit for Councillor Shawn Menard thanked OOECA for
the work they do to support the community. MP Yasir Naqvi sent his regrets as he was unable to attend.

Approval of 2023 AGM Agenda and 2022 AGM Minutes

Motion to approve 2023 AGM agenda moved by Tom Scott and seconded by Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay.

  • All members in favour, none opposed. Motion carried.

Motion to approve 2022 AGM minutes moved by Tom Scott, seconded by Don Fugler.

  • All members in favour, none opposed. Motion carried.

Chair’s report

Overview provided of the past year, including summarized reports from committees and financial report from the treasurer. Chair’s report and Treasurer’s report are posted at

Item discussed at AGM that was not in Chair’s report:

  • OOECA was pleased to participate in the Remembrance Day ceremony at Brantwood Gates. Thanks to Jessica Jepp for her leadership in planning this event, and to John Dance for additional coordination and support.

Board elections

A few board members stepped down, creating vacancies for the secretary position and for Planning, Parks and Greenspace, SLOE, Health and Safety, and Communications committees.

The committees will continue in their current state with the ex officio acting as the representative until the chair is selected. The committees will continue in their state with the ex officio acting as representative until a chair is selected.

Nominations from the floor include Kristine Houde for Communications, Michal Samborski for SLOE, and Georgia Blondon for Health and Safety.

New board entered in for review.

  • Motion to approve the new board moved by Don Fugler, seconded by Wendy McRae.
  • All in favour, none opposed or abstained. Motion carried.

Open Forum

Mainstreeter wants to advertise volunteer opportunities to help produce the Mainstreeter, as well as board positions. Chair and treasurer also stepping down at their AGM in February.

  • Information on becoming a member will be in Mainstreeter and on their website.

Question to councillor’s office asking if changes to Official Plan have been rolled back.

  • Yes, we believe the changes that the province made to the OP are going to be reversed.

Question: Are there considerations for putting in a fenced-in off leash dog area for dogs in the community?

  • Consultation and review, presentations done in 2018, with discussions to define what spaces would be best suited for dogs off leash in the community.
  • With the onset of COVID, discussion stalled. Would be happy to consider for future agenda. Contact

Comment from Joel Harden, MPP: Glad that the question got brought up about the urban boundary because it was something he forgot to mention in report which was a major win. Thanks again to Councillor Menard and the Capital Ward team for initiating that.

Question: will there be opportunities and forums to hold truth and reconciliation conversations?

  • There is a very major proposal coming forward to create a national Indigenous University. Have support from of The Grand Chief of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation, support of St-Paul’s Chancellor, of the Indigenous University of New Zealand, and of the bishop. Will be looking for archbishop and community association support. More discussion planned for future meeting.

Comment from resident thanking OOECA and partners for continuing Remembrance
Day celebrations, Since the early 1920’s, their grandparents were the first owners of
their home on Elliot Avenue – My grandfather received that home as a veterans benefit and it’s very important to me that that keeps going on.

Question: Our perspective as a resident of old Ottawa East isn’t always represented in the community voice. Are there ways to contribute to inform the association’s work

  • We are discussing ways to engage all residents for 1-off or longer-term issues, leverage digital tools, connect with representatives in different parts of OOE without them necessarily attending meetings.

What is the status of People’s Park and the Alta Vista Transport Corridor?

  • Still in the Transportation Master Plan which undergoing review. Councillor’s office and OOECA continually advocating for its removal.

Comment from attendee works for work for Parks Canada engaged in a trilateral
study with the city of Ottawa and the National Capital Study with the City of Ottawa
and the National Capital Commission to see what you value about the Rideau Canal.

  • Opportunity for residents to provide their thoughts at open house and farmers markets so that we understand what you value about the Rideau Canal.

Question: Is there thought to CAG returning to joint AGM with OOECA?

  • CAG director, Lee Jacobs, responded that current commitment is to participate in monthly meetings and to work more closely together since both groups are small and should be doing as much as we can together to maximize resources.

Comment from attendee that it would be nice if The Mainstreeter came back to Old Ottawa East and supported the community association and CAG. Their decision to not take reports from the community association was reprehensible. Two letters to the editor on this topic were dismissed.


Motion to adjourn the AGM moved by Tom Scott and seconded by Heather Jarrett.

  • All in favour. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.