Greystone Village report for December 10, 2024
Submitted by Peter Tobin
15-17 Oblats and Madonna statue
The issue of the placement of the Madonna statue seems to have been resolved amicably. Adriana Beaman may expand on the details during the meeting. The Planning report for December also has information on this.
Demolition of the interior of the convent continued throughout most of November but has been quieter over the first days of December.
Two traffic-related announcements for Greystone Village
Part of Deschatelets Avenue remains closed for road infrastructure work with OC buses using a temporary routing along Scholastic Drive which parallels the river and then up des Oblats.
Deschatelets Avenue closure for 90 days starting December 16, 2024
From Morley Hoppner (Michael Leblanc, Sr Project Manager, 613-410-3115,
- Deschatelets Avenue between Hazel Street and De Mazenod Avenue will be closed daily from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and re-opened daily at the end of the work day.
- Sidewalk along Deschatelets Avenue remains open and covered by temporary scaffolding.
- Closure required to complete exterior finishes (spandrels, flashings and caulking) including construction window cleaning on the East elevation accessed via Deschatelets Avenue.
15-17 Oblats – Pedestrian path markers added by Forum team
From Forum Asset Management (Vimal Lad, Sr. Manager, Forum AM,, 647-863-7085):
- Following an email from resident, Heather Jarrett, and OOECA to the councillor regarding vehicles blocking the pedestrian path and ignoring No Parking signs, OOECA was put in contact with Vimal Lad, Senior Manager, Real Estate Development at Forum.
- Vimal instructed his team to install markers along the building’s Oblats frontage to clearly separate the pedestrian lane from vehicular traffic.
- We thank Vimal and the Forum team for their quick action to resolve this safety issue, and help maintain access through Greystone Village during construction, and through the winter months.
Before and after pictures of the pedestrian path in front of 15-17 Oblats