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Cars on ice — Brantwood rink prep starting soon

police and resident standing between their cars parked side by side in Brantwood Park

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Brantwood Park skating rink preparations are underway! Step 1 involves volunteers driving their vehicles around in circles to create the base for the Brantwood Rink.

If you see this entertaining phenomenon happening in the area typically reserved for Brantwood Park’s ice rink, no need to call the police! Volunteers are simply compacting the snow to prepare for “hosing.”

Check out the accompanying photo from 2020, when police were called and found our wonderful volunteers preparing OOE’s winter jewel.

Volunteer for winter rink maintenance by contacting, or calling Louis Denis at 613-361-2068.


E-transfer now accepted

E-transfer instructions

You can now use e-transfer to pay for memberships or donations. Follow the instructions below to add OOECA as a recipient, send your e-transfer donation or membership fee, and share e-transfer details and contact information.

  1. Sign in to your financial institution’s online banking service.
  2. Navigate to the option to send money using Interac e-Transfer.
  3. Select the account from which you will be sending the funds.
  4. Add OOECA as a recipient using the email address and security answer provided below:
    • Recipient name: OOECA
    • Email for e-Transfer:
    • Security question: What is the password OOECA provided?
    • Security answer: OOECAtransfer
  5. Include a message with your e-transfer, or email us your e-transfer details separately.
    • Before sending your e-transfer, use the message field to share your contact information, address, and member name(s) you wish to include in your household’s membership; or,
    • After sending your e-transfer, email with your address and member name(s) from your household to include in your membership.

Timeline to process e-transfers

Once we receive notification of your e-transfer, it may take a few business days to process your transaction.

Privacy statement

We do not share your personal information – including your email address – with anyone outside our organization. This information is used to update our membership list from year to year.

We may occasionally send a newsletter or email to members to notify you of opportunities to get involved with OOECA, or to update you on issues impacting our community (Frequency: every 1-3 months). Contact us at any time to opt out of these types of communications.


Planning committee publishes Minor Variance guide for residents

OOECA’s planning committee reviews about a dozen minor variance applications per year.

Ever wonder what a minor variance is, how to apply for one, or what the community association’s role may be when reviewing these applications?

Consult the Minor Variances – Resident’s Guide for more information, including how to contact the planning committee if you have additional questions.
