E-transfer instructions
You can now use e-transfer to pay for memberships or donations. Follow the instructions below to add OOECA as a recipient, send your e-transfer donation or membership fee, and share e-transfer details and contact information.
- Sign in to your financial institution’s online banking service.
- Navigate to the option to send money using Interac e-Transfer.
- Select the account from which you will be sending the funds.
- Add OOECA as a recipient using the email address and security answer provided below:
- Recipient name: OOECA
- Email for e-Transfer: etransfer@ottawaeast.ca
- Security question: What is the password OOECA provided?
- Security answer: OOECAtransfer
- Include a message with your e-transfer, or email us your e-transfer details separately.
- Before sending your e-transfer, use the message field to share your contact information, address, and member name(s) you wish to include in your household’s membership; or,
- After sending your e-transfer, email Membership@OttawaEast.ca with your address and member name(s) from your household to include in your membership.
Timeline to process e-transfers
Once we receive notification of your e-transfer, it may take a few business days to process your transaction.
Privacy statement
We do not share your personal information – including your email address – with anyone outside our organization. This information is used to update our membership list from year to year.
We may occasionally send a newsletter or email to members to notify you of opportunities to get involved with OOECA, or to update you on issues impacting our community (Frequency: every 1-3 months). Contact us at any time to opt out of these types of communications.