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Health and Safety Report: 2025-02

Submitted by Georgia Blondon, Chair

Free naloxone kits and training available through Ottawa Public Health

From the Capital Ward Bulletin dated January 24, 2025:

Naloxone, better known as Narcan, is a medication that is used to reverse an overdose. Residents can pick up Narcan for free at a growing number of pharmacies across Ottawa.

Two different forms of Narcan are available. One is a naloxone nasal spray, and the other is a naloxone intramuscular injectable (IM), a needle that can be applied into a large muscle group such as the thigh or upper arm.

Each kit contains use information, and pharmacists are required to provide basic training information at the point of dispense. Ottawa Public Health also offers training programs on how to use naloxone through

Typically, the signs of an overdose can include shallow or slowed breathing, decreased consciousness, and pinpoint pupils. In some cases, a person’s lips may turn blue.

Overdoses with naloxone intervention are still medical emergencies so please do call 9-1-1 whether you have administered Narcan or not. The emergency dispatcher will proceed to give you advice, including the need for CPR following administration. Please note that people coming back from an overdose can be agitated and disorientated. This may cause them to physically strike out as they are revived, so it is recommended that you do not crowd the person. Talk to them gently and stay until emergency responders arrive.
