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Brantwood Park integrated road, sewer and watermain renewal – public meeting on June 26, 2017

The City of Ottawa will be hosting a public information session regarding infrastructure work on the streets neighbouring Brantwood Park. You will be able to drop in to review the preliminary design plans for the entire project. The exhibits will illustrate the proposed roadway geometry, roadway widths and sidewalk locations. Representatives from the city, the design consultant and ward councillor David Chernushenko will be available to discuss the project and to answer your questions.

Monday, June 26, 2017
6 to 8 pm
Saint Paul University, Normandin Room (Room 228)
Laframboise Hall, Second Floor
249 Main Street

The streets included as part of this project are:
Onslow Crescent: Elliot Avenue to Burnham Road, and through the park to Clegg Street
Belgrave Road
Glengarry Road
Beckwith Road from Marlowe Crescent to Onslow Crescent
Burnham Road
Letchworth Road

The purpose of the project is to renew the aging infrastructure on the affected streets. Specifically, the works proposed include the rehabilitation and/or replacement of:
Sidewalks, road structure and pavement
Watermains and sewers
Lateral services to the property line

The current project schedule includes review of the design plans until winter 2017/2018, with construction scheduled to start in 2018 at the earliest.

More details of the project can be viewed on the City of Ottawa’s website.