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2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes

November 15, 2022

Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes – November 15, 2022


OOECA Board:

Bob Gordon (President), Catherine Pacella (Vice President), Phyllis Odenbach Sutton (Past President), Don Fugler (Treasurer), Kristine Houde (Secretary), Peter Tobin, Tom Scott, Jamie Brougham, Ron Rose, John Dance, Jayson Maclean, Paul Goodkey, Courtenay Beauregard, Suzanne Johnston, Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay, Georgia Blondon

Elected representatives and invited guests

Yasir Naqvi (MP, Ottawa Centre), Joel Harden (MPP, Ottawa Centre), Councillor Shawn Menard and Ariela Summit (Councillor’s Office, Capital Ward), Lee Jacobs (Community Activities Group)

Other attendees

Heather Jarrett, Adriana Beaman, Elizabeth Sanderson, Peggy West, Lynn Byford, Rebecca Aird, Rebecca Grace, Ben Doyle, Wendy, Lee Jacobs, Michal Samborski, Elizabeth Suen, Marlene Lundy, Jim Strang, Guillaume Campeau, Brian Morris, Doug Macaulay, Guillaume Campagné, Heather Raine, Isabelle Panier, Justin Reist, Lauren Stoymenoff, Linda Pollock, Lynne Byford, Mary Louise Zalatan, Mary Trudeau, Siddhartha Mookerjea, Terry and Donna Walsh, Wendy and Ian McRae, Liz and Stephen Meyer, Josée Couture-Luk, Wendy McRae

Call to Order – OOECA President, Bob Gordon

  • Welcome and Land acknowledgement
  • Review of AGM procedures and virtual meeting features
  • Request that questions be held until all presentations are done

Opening remarks from federal, provincial, municipal representatives and guests

Yasir Naqvi, MP

Thanked OOECA executive and community volunteers for contributing to a stronger and healthier community and provided updates.

Colonel By Drive (CBD)

  • Continue to engage with the community to ensure it is safe and accessible to everyone.
  • Heard OOECA re: request to make CBD an active transportation route, but also understand that that there is not consensus in the community. Ultimate decision will made by NCC based on data collected over last 3 years.
  • Public survey now open – Will share link – opportunity for community to share their experience and ideas around more robust active transportation along the canal

Lighting along canal

  • Extensive work over the next 1-2 years in segments to update lighting along canal while maintaining UNESCO heritage status.
  • Will share update with OOECA when timelines are set, and road closures are identified.

Tree replanting along CBD

  • Received letter sent to NCC and working with Toby Nussbaum to develop tree replanting plan.

Wellington between Elgin and Bank

  •  Work on Wellington between Elgin and Bank – road remains closed since illegal occupation following council decision
  •  Discussions between federal government and Ottawa to purchase the street and add to Parliamentary Precinct and repurpose it for active transportation or electric vehicles which is in keeping with modernization of centre block.

Joel Harden, MP

Thanked the board for the work they do and provided provincial updates, including healthcare and education.


  • Thanks to all healthcare workers and paramedics working in these challenging times, from the Ottawa Hospital campuses to the community health and primary health clinics.


  • Wearing purple in support of CUPE workers who are at the bargaining table with the Ford government that was threatening to pre-emptively use the notwithstanding clause before collective bargaining began.

Parliamentary role as Critic for Transit and active transportation

  • Headed to Toronto to meet with drivers and mechanics from the amalgamated transit union who were in a legal strike position as of this AGM but positive developments

Bill 23

  • Council had a vigorous debate on the province’s decision to expand boundaries for development, decisions that have serious impacts on conservation efforts.
  • MPP will be putting pressure on the government regarding their decision to encourage further sprawl, and lack of green building initiatives, among other points.

Remembrance Week

  • Thank OOECA and the community for the remembrance event in OOE on November 6th at Brantwood Gates. It was an honour to be a part of this event.
  • Other events across the city on Friday to mark November 11th remembrance day.

Shawn Menard, Councillor, Capital Ward 17

Thanked OOECA President for his leadership, remarked on all that was accomplished together this past year, and provided updates.

Municipal elections and new council

  • Past few months have been whirlwind. Glad to be serving OOE with 11 new faces at City Council including the most women elected to council and a younger council overall. New term starts November 15th. Looking forward to more balanced and fair council moving forward
  • Three priorities being presented: affordable housing, public transit, climate change efforts.

Bill 23

  • Might be challenging with current government but we have great representation with Joel Harden who can push back on changes that impact the new Official Plan.
  • We are also pushing back and mitigating impacts at the council level pushing for 15-minute communities, and climate resilient communities.

OOE updates

  • Main and Hawthorne work delayed again to next year due to budget requests and design and work changes.
  • Brantwood tennis court resurfacing completed.
  • Consultation open on EngageOttawa for Springhurst dock
  • Numerous other projects that they look forward to working on with OOECA, including AVTC and Transportation Master Plan Update, Lees resurfacing, bike lanes, Lansdowne renewal informed by resident input, preserving of public spaces and affordable housing, and laying the foundation to explore active transportation river crossing near the foot of Clegg to connect to the Rideau River Western and Hospital Link multi-use pathways.

Agenda and Minutes Approval

  • Motion to approve 2022 AGM agenda moved by Ron Rose and seconded by Wendy McRae. All board members in favour, none opposed, none abstained. Motion carried.
  • Motion to approve 2021 AGM minutes with proposed edits moved by Tom Scott and seconded by Phyllis Odenbach Sutton. All board members in favour, none opposed. Motion carried.

Chair’s Report – Bob Gordon

  • The Chair’s report provides an overview of the past year, outlining our current finances, summarized reports from Transportation, Planning, Greystone Village and Lees, Sustainable Living Ottawa East (SLOE), Parks and Greenspace, and Lansdowne, as well as a general overview of other community association activities.
  • Consult the full Chair’s report at Archive |

Treasurer’s Report – Don Fugler

  • A summary of the financial report was presented at the AGM.
  • View full Treasurer’s report on our Archive page.


  • Totals (as of October 17, 2021): $17,563
  • Total Revenues: $2,963
    • Memberships, including $63 deposited from previous year: $2,963
    • Main Event revenues: N/A – Main event not held in 2022.
  • Total Expenses: ($1,556)
    • FCA membership: $35
    • Directors’ insurance (2023):      $540
    • Rideau Winter Trail donation: $300
    • Toilet rental for summer: $381
    • Support for election debates: $300
  • Balance (as of October 13, 2022): $18,9705

Open Forum

  • Jim Strang – Thanks to Tom Scott, Transportation Committee, and others in community support all transportation options in and out of OOE. While he’s in support of bicycle use to encourage active transportation, some community members do require a car to get around. Thankful for work to keep Colonel By open to cars as Main Street traffic has increased significantly with the new development.
    • Bob – Thanks Jim for your involvement in this group.
  • Peggy West – Agree with Jim. Love bicycles but closing CBD to traffic would be an extremely difficult situation with traffic directed onto Main, which is now a complete street with one lane in each direction.
  • Patricia in chat – Fully agree with the comments about Colonel By! Well said.
    • Bob – Did engage Yasir Naqvi last year and will continue to engage on this topic.  
  • Wendy – Any information on physical space dedicated to OOECA? Would like to have a place to store archival documents from the board.
    • Bob – No information yet on space for OOECA documents in new community centre.
  • Josée Couture-Luk in chat – We need to continue to support the business nearby and walk instead of driving to do errands.
  • Jamie in chat – should have a business committee.
    • Bob – Agree that OOE shouldn’t be a pass through and that we should support our local businesses. OOE does not have a Business Improvement Area or BIA. OOECA is the de facto BIA and any issues that would be addressed by the BIA fall to OOECA to decide.
  • Patricia in chat – Thanks Bob and all for everything you do for our community. much appreciated.


  • Motion to adjourn AGM moved by Tom Scott and seconded by Kristine Houde.
  • All in favour. Motion carried and meeting adjourned.