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Have your say! Building a Liveable Ottawa 2031

The City of Ottawa is now revising the fundamental plans that will shape the city in the years to come through a process called “Building a Liveable Ottawa 2031.” The revision of the Official Plan, the transportation master plan and the cycling and pedestrian plans will have major implications for Old Ottawa East. For instance, the transportation master plan continues to have the four lane $200+M Alta Vista Transportation Corridor (AVTC) included, even though traffic volumes do not justify it and it makes even less sense as the city proceeds with the $2.1B light rail project. Furthermore, the AVTC would consume a huge portion of the greenspace between the Lees Avenue apartment buildings and Springhurst Park, as well as bringing traffic onto Lees and Nicholas Avenues despite neither having the capacity to take the additional volumes.

Citizens have the opportunity to make their opinions known. To learn more about “Building a Liveable Ottawa 2031”, please visit the City of Ottawa’s planning website. We also encourage you to complete a survey located on the city’s website here. You may also wish to submit your specific comments to Mayor Watson and Councillor Chernushenko with a copy to

You may also be interested in reading the draft comments on the transportation master plan compiled by the City Centre Coalition (CCC) of which the OECA is a member. They are available for review here as many points are relevant to Old Ottawa East.