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Sesquicentennial Prime Ministers Book Club – Louis St-Laurent

7:00 p.m., Monday, September 25, 2017
Room L120, 233 Main Street, Saint Paul University

Dr. Xavier Gélinas will be helping us better understand the life and times of Louis St-Laurent, prime minister during the dynamic
years after the Second World War. As former Privy Council Clerk Gordon Robertson has said, "St-Laurent's administrations […] probably gave Canada the most consistently good, financially responsible, trouble-free government the country has had in its
entire history." Included in his accomplishments were Canada’s membership in NATO, becoming an active “middle power,” and,
on the domestic front, the creation of large-scale projects structuring Canada's economy and sense of nationhood, such as the
Trans-Canada Highway, the St. Lawrence Seaway and the CBC / Radio-Canada television networks.

Dr. Gélinas is the Canadian History Museum’s Curator of Political History. His work involves enriching and documenting the
collections of artifacts and documents, while enhancing public knowledge of Canada’s political history through exhibitions,
publications and other activities. He was a driving force behind the new Canadian History Hall and Canada: A People’s History,
broadcast on CBC. And he has written extensively on Maurice Duplessis and René Lévesque. Xavier Gélinas has a Bachelor’s
and a Master’s degree in History from the University of Montréal, and a PhD from York University.

More details and a picture are included in the event poster.