FCA report for December 10, 2024
Submitted by Ron Rose
City response to FCA zoning by-Law (ZBL) comments
It has been a busy month for the FCA, although most energy has been applied to providing comments on the City’s Draft or the new Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw.
The FCA submitted detailed comments on October 30th, 2024, and the City responded on December 4th. A link to the City’s response is available on our website’s Committees page – FCA section.
Call for volunteers to join CPIP community insurance working groups
The other major activity has been the creation of a working group to examine the issue of City provided insurance coverage for Community Centre activities. Currently, the City’s insurance coverage is uneven, with the activities of some Community Associations covered and the activities of others not covered. The FCA believes that all eligible Community Associations should be treated equally, and has established two working groups to manage its response to insurance proposals expected to be brought forward to Council early in the new year:
- Insurance Interest Group – Consisting of FCA members interested in insurance matters, particularly the upcoming revisions to the CPIP. Members would periodically receive materials/updates/etc relating to insurance and have the opportunity to provide comments/questions to the Insurance Working Group; and,
- Insurance Working Group – consisting of members interested in insurance matters and willing to actively participate in addressing issues by participating in ongoing calls and discussions, meeting with stakeholders, writing emails, letters etc.
The FCA is looking for Community Association volunteers to serve on either of these groups. Interested volunteers should contact Lorne Cutler at cutler@fca-fac.ca.