Annual General Meeting (AGM) – 2024
Hybrid meeting (online via Zoom and in person at The Atelier, 95 Clegg Street)
Bob Gordon, Phyllis Odenbach Sutton, Don Fugler, Catherine Pacella, Kristine Houde, Tom Scott, Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay, Georgia Blondon, Peter Tobin, Jayson Maclean, Ron Rose, John Dance, Gregg Whetton
Invited guests
MP Yasir Naqvi, MPP Joel Harden, Capital Ward Councillor Shawn Menard and Hannah Tellier
Other attendees
Lee Jacobs (Director, Ottawa East CAG), Jocelyn Kearney, Jae Li, Brian Tansey, Fred Simpson, Margaret Vant Erve, Heather Jarrett, Rebecca Aird, Anthony Leaning, Gervaise Poulin, Peter Harrison, Eddie Gillis, Jim Patrich, Didier Delahousse, Maureen Bernier, Gail Young, Donna Wood, Felix Mercure, Amanda Rosenstock, Judith Kennedy, Paul Goodkey, Michael Francis, Varuna Sahgal, Mark Dermer, Thomas Simpson, Natalie Anthony, Kim Haynes, Jamie Brougham, Greg MacEachern, Elizabeth Sanderson, David Warnke, Lorna Kingston, Scott Keirstead, Louise Rachlis, Lori Fraser, James McKinnon, Adriana Beaman, Margaret Inglis, Denise Inglis, Celso Dautas, Keith Shackleton, Suzanne Gagnon, John Jarrett, Tom Deadman
1. Call to order, welcome, land acknowledgement
2. Greetings from invited quests
Councillor Shawn Menard
- Acknowledged joint initiatives: new dock, Lees Ave paving/bike lanes, and planning/zoning updates.
- Petition for Alta Vista Corridor and Centennial Trees; Hydro One removing 24 trees, but 3 trees are considered necessary for removal.
- Commitment to Brantwood dock accessibility, storm water work at Lees Ave, and three-stream waste pilot at Brantwood; planning walking tour for winter maintenance.
MP Yasir Naqvi
- Thanked community for its involvement and the success of The Main Event.
- Invited nominations for the King Charles III award (Nov 15 deadline) and encouraged feedback on NCC bike day consultations.
- Partnering with CAFES and local associations to plant more trees on Centennial Blvd.
MPP Joel Harden
- Thanked community for Remembrance Day ceremony at Brantwood Gate.
- Advocating for government funding for housing, mental health, and addictions services, and addressing homelessness.
- Pushing for legislation on road safety (Bill 212), public transit, and active transportation.
3. Approval of 2024 agenda and 2023 minutes
- 2024 AGM agenda moved: Don Fugler; Seconded: Tom Scott
- 2023 AGM minutes moved: Georgia Blondon; Seconded: Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay
4. Chair’s report
- Planning: Chair vacant; objected unsuccessfully to provincial bills limiting CAs’ appeal rights.
- Lansdowne 2.0: Petition for city wide referendum at
- Transportation & Infrastructure: Addressing short-term issues at Greenfield/Main/Hawthorne; input on City of Ottawa Master Plan; future concerns include CP Railway and MTO Rideau Canal bridges, and GMH underground hydro lines.
- Parks & Greenspace: Chair vacant; Grand Allee and Main Farmers Market opened; Springhurst dock completed. Plans for Brantwood dock accessibility improvements in 2025.
- Health & Safety: James Kennedy as OOE police liaison; report car thefts, break-ins, and drug paraphernalia to 911/311.
- TCOM, Greystone, Lees: new restaurants (J:Fuse, Xing Fu Tang); BarBurrito moving to Greens and Beans location.
- FCA: Advocated for fair insurance for CAs’ community events like street parties and BBQs.
- SLOE: Chair vacant; concerns over Hydro One’s work on Centennial Blvd, new parks, Rideau River Trail, and ongoing tree projects.
5. Treasurer’s report
- Total memberships sold: $2,515. Community BBQs and Main Event net profit of $718
- Adrianna Beeman money for appeal was not needed. Wants to ensure that funds were returned to account.
- Approval of Treasurer’s report – Moved: Kristine Houde; Seconded Peter Tobin
6. OOECA board elections – vacant roles
Nomination of Secretary: Felix Mercure
- Nomination: Phyllis Odenbach Sutton; Seconded: Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay
Nomination of Member at large: Natalie Anthony
- Nomination: Kristine Houde; Seconded: Don Fugler
Nomination of Member at large: Matt Francino
- Nomination: Kristine Houde; Seconded: Georgia Blondon
7. Open Forum
OOECA logo and tagline survey
- Help design our new logo and brand.
- Answer our anonymous online survey (3 brief questions) at
Greenfield/Main/Hawthorne (GMH) Project
- Jim Patrick (Montcalm St.) requested Councillor Menard and construction lead Pat Salmon attend next OOECA meeting to address concerns.
- Tom Scott (Transportation chair) shared updates on unexpected issues with sewer, water, and power lines; latest information will be posted online before Dec 25.
- Residents, including Greg McEachern, reported issues like unnotified water shutoffs, driveway blockages, and vibrations; Shawn Menard will meet with residents Thursday, November 21 to address concerns, with a public advisory meeting scheduled.
Community suggestions and questions
- Rebecca Aird recommends residents report road salt piles on paths and streets: by phone at 311, or online at
- Native planted shoreline in Greystone thriving but battling invasive species; suggestion to fund professional landscaping to remove invasives.
- What is status of community centre development? What is happening with affordable housing in Deschâtelets residence?
- Bob: Community centre development and affordable housing stalled due to school funding shortfall; projects delayed until school is completed.
- Phyllis: Volunteer efforts for invasive species removal in Greystone; contact to get involved.
MTO plan to close Colonel By
- John Moore emailed MTO and relevant ministers; suggesting OOECA write to the Premier about commuter concerns.
- Bob confirmed OOECA has been proactive, copying MTO, the Minister of Infrastructure, the Premier, and other CAs in correspondence.
Pretoria Bridge 1-lane closure
- Resident, Jamie Brougham, expressed concerns about increased congestion and limited exit options from the community due to the upcoming closure.
8. Adjournment
- Moved: Bob Gordon; Seconded: Tom Scott