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GMH Construction Notice – CP000627 Update

The Greenfield Main Hawthorne construction project manager has provided the following update to the current progress:

Given the unknowns in dealing with the underground work on the Main Street and Echo frontages of 115 Echo we have settled on the end of March for the closure date with the NCC. It is hoped that we can return the roadway to two way before then, but we will need to get shovels in the ground before we can reassess that timeline.

Please note the following:

Main Street (Greenfield to Colonel By)

  • The Main Street Closure from Greenfield to Colonel By is currently being undertaken by PCL until January 4th, at which time LW Bray will take on the closure to do our underground work.
  • PCL will be responsible for traffic control and winter maintenance for this area over the holidays as they perform their work.

Colonel By Drive (Hawthorne to Daly) -SB Closure

  • Main Street at Colonel By Drive will remain closed with jersey barriers
  • In the new year, the NCC has requested that authorized vehicles be allowed to go southbound on Colonel By Drive from Daly to Concord to perform work on the ice / service the chalets. At Colonel By and Daly the southbound lanes will remain closed, and authorized vehicles will access Colonel By Southbound across the paver area. This is not to go into effect until January 4th and will require some traffic control signage to be implemented. We are cognizant of the potential for confusing the public but it is felt that with the SB lane shut at Daly with snow acting as an effective barrier this should be manageable.
  • Traffic Management has indicated that they will bag the “no left turn” to NB Colonel By signs on Pretoria bridge going eastbound on a trial basis, they will monitor queuing and if required the will reimplement if this change is untenable.
  • We have coordinated with City road crews to plow the roadway effectively over the holidays along Colonel By as well as the sidewalk connections

Echo Drive

  • Traffic Control will be moved off of the roadway to allow for plowing on Echo across Main Street over the holidays. Effectively Echo (Harvey to Concord) will be reopened to local traffic during the Christmas break, and the closure will be reinstated once the Contractor remobilizes in January.

We are looking to clean-up the site and demobilize by mid next week for the break.
