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Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update Environmental Assessment Process – December 2019

A “Notice of Commencement of Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update Environmental Assessment Process” was posted by the City on Saturday, December 7, 2019 and again during the following week.

The TMP will also incorporate the Ottawa Cycling Plan and the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan. The City notice states as well that public engagement is a key component of the TMP Update with opportunities for public and stakeholder involvement at each phase of the study. OOECA recommends that, if you have any concerns or comments, the earlier you provide input to City staff then the more likely these would be considered in the course of the next phases. Other opportunities for engagement will be announced over the course of the project in the next year or so.

The Community Association will also be sending separate comments and concerns as submissions to the City’s senior project manager for the TMP update These will concern particular transportation issues such as the Alta Vista Transportation Corridor (see our position already posted on the OOECA website), current traffic safety concerns, as well as cycling and pedestrian inputs. The Association’s support for the declaration of a Climate Change Emergency will also be factored into our submissions. Further, residents have also asked us to comment on accessibility aspects and to have access and accommodation designed in at the front end of any future transportation infrastructure designs whether for the high-end LRT and other public transit down to the designing and planning for sidewalks and corner crossings.

Inputs on the City’s website-based questionnaire are requested before January 24, 2020. The link is defined as and to reach the questionnaire you will need to follow at least three steps to get to the survey itself. You may also need to create an account by registering. Once you have signed in you should be taken to a page that is titled “Engage Ottawa” and the TMP is one of the selections on that page. It will unfortunately loop you back to the TMP page but you can then get to the questionnaire immediately. Once you get there, you should find nine questions, a number of which allow you to make further comments.

We recommend as well that you go to the City website and look for the New Official Plan – Preliminary Policy Directions documents that are attached to the Committee agenda:

If you wish to add comments or to be added to the TMP Update mailing list, the following contact information was provided:

Mr. Robert Grimwood, P. Eng.
Senior Project Manager, Sustainable Transportation
Transportation Services Department, City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Ave. W. 4th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext 28757