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area map of impacted streets for GMH reconstruction project

Meet with City on NOV 21 to discuss Greenfield, Main, Hawthorne winter reconstruction plans

  • What? Join a community walk with Councillor Menard and City staff to discuss the Greenfield, Main, Hawthorne reconstruction project, share concerns and impacts as we head into winter months
  • When? Thursday, November 21, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
  • Where? Meet at the intersection of Greenfield and Montcalm
  • Who? All are welcome to join Councillor Menard and City staff, Patrick Sammon, Senior Engineer of Infrastructure Projects and Bryden Denyes, Area Manager of Roads Services
  • Read up on proposed winter plans: November GMH reconstruction project update

Links, background on GMH Project

Reconstruction work on Greenfield Avenue, Main Street, Hawthorne Avenue, and surrounding areas has been ongoing since 2021. Thanks to community advocacy and the Capital Ward office, the work originally undertaken as a routine road reconstruction project was later expanded to include more comprehensive road safety, active transportation, and burying of hydro lines in some areas. 

Replacing 100-year-old infrastructure is necessary but certainly disruptive. In 2022, extensive underground and road construction work began. With winter quickly approaching, Councillor Menard has heard the need to walk the site to discuss next steps in the project and snow removal/winter maintenance. Join the community walk to learn about upcoming winter plans and share your concerns.