Board Minutes – 2024-12
Bob Gordon, Phyllis Odenbach Sutton, Don Fugler, Catherine Pacella, Kristine Houde, Peter Tobin, Georgia Blondon, Jayson MacLean, Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay, Tom Scott, John Dance, Gregg Whetton, Matteo Francino, Natalie Anthony
Invited guests:
Hannah Tellier for Councillor Menard, Capital Ward, Lee Jacobs, Director, Ottawa East CAG, Carol Workun
Other attendees:
Allison Eddy, Doug Macaulay, Jamie Brougham, Ian McRae, Joyce Scott, Kaitland ___, Kyle ___, Adriana Beaman, Wendy McRae
Decisions and actions
- None
- Bob and Kristine to follow up with Judith Kennedy to plan next steps to action SLOE project proposal in 2025, including securing City support, and partnerships with RVCA and others to move project forward successfully.
- Bob to follow up with Lee Jacobs and CAG board to discuss Ottawa SUP proposal (Stand up paddleboards)and request for letter of support, determine impacts to CAG programs and revenue generation if Ottawa SUP were to install their business at Springhurst or Brantwood park.
- Carol Workun will explore transferring Facebook group – OOE Grapevine administration to interested OOE residents or shutting down group since OOECA is unable to take on this role. Carol will inform us of her decision.
1. Welcome and land acknowledgement
2. Approval of agenda
- Approval of agenda with 3 proposals to be discussed throughout the meeting moved by Don Fugler, seconded by Kristine Houde. All in favour.
- Proposals:
- SLOE Rideau River Nature Trail and tree planting project (Judith Kennedy)
- Ottawa SUP proposal and letter of support (Laura Zak)
- Facebook Group OOE Grapevine request (Carol Workun)
3. Approval of minutes
- September 2024 minutes approval with minor edits moved by Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay and seconded by Phyllis Odenbach Sutton. All in favour.
- October 2024 minutes approval moved by Ron Rose and seconded by John Dance. All in favour.
4. President’s report – Bob Gordon
- No report for December. No meetings to report back on.
5. Treasurer’s report – Don Fugler
- Current OOECA balance is $22,267.79.
- Recent expenditures:
- November 12 AGM expenses for room rental/supplies, and November 10 ceremony expenses ($863.05)
- Membership drive e-Transfer service charges ($35) – Overshot number of transactions allowed by bank.
- Water supply costs for Riverdale community garden ($25)
Q&A – Treasurer’s report
Q: Adriana Beaman asked Don if he had followed up with law firm on refund of $500.
Post-meeting clarification from Don: Determined that the $500 expenditure was a contribution to Barbara Kirk (not Adriana) who, with the support of OOECA, engaged a planning lawyer to seek improvements to plans for the 18 Hawthorne development.
6. Capital Ward report – Councillor Shawn Menard, Hannah Tellier
Centennial Blvd Hydro One trees
- Councillor will send details in the new year about the consultations or workshops re: $30,000 for this area’s beautification and restoration.
- Hydro One initially wanted to remove 34 trees. In fact, they removed 9 trees, and these trees were all large and healthy.
GMH on-site meeting mid-Nov
- Full update available on the Councillor’s website. Work to resume in April.
15-17 Oblats
- Notified group of approval to proceed with build (details and links to DevApps inserted in Planning report)
Lees avenue bike lanes
- Resurfacing from O-train to Chestnut, used that to improve south side biking lanes. Raised pin curves – creates more safety.
AVTC planned January 29 public consultation
- Details to follow closer to date.
Winter maintenance
- Let councillor know if you have issues. Win last year Win with Glebe Central Park bridge stairs; aiming to have snow cleared on Rideau River pedestrian bridge.
City budget OOE wins
- Funds for Lees Avenue storm water pumping station
- $6.8 million for Community Centre
- $1.9 million for Forecourt Park
Office closure
- December 19 to January 2
Q&A – Councillor’s Office
Q: Adriana to Hannah – Presto passes to renters at 15-17 Oblats for how long?
A: free Presto pass for 1 year
Q: Ron – Centennial trees – $30K allocated – what is that for? Bench in front of Nu Grocery – why is this the only bench that does not face street?
A: Hannah – Hydro One – allocated for beautification, new vegetation incl. trees, stones. Not sure why bench is facing inward. Will take it back to City and will follow up with OOECA.
Q: Phyllis – 15-17 Oblats – has contacted Forum to ask why road was not cleaned following construction clean-up, and to report ongoing issues with construction vehicles parked in street, loud conversations early in day and at end of work shift.
A: Hannah – residue/mud clean-up required, parking, and loud conversations. Will follow up with developer
Q: Allison Eddy – Question around the budget – $6.8M community centre and $1.9M Forecourt
A: Hannah – this is included in budget 2025, may be rolled over into next year.
Q: Don – Infrastructure insurance – sewer lines – now that city has ended service agreement, are we still paying into service line warranties?
A: Hannah – to follow up
Q: John – Will staff have a recommendation on the AVTC by the January 29 consultation?
A: Hannah – No
Q: Tom – concern with pedestrian crossings on Lees Avenue; there are 3 controlled intersections near uOttawa Health Sciences, apartment buildings and OC Transpo but pedestrians are not limiting their crossings to these locations.
A: Hannah – will pass on information from Tom to Jonathon
Q: Kristine: concern with inconsistent clearing of sidewalks along Deschatelets in front of Grande Allee park, particularly given the 90-day closure due to construction
A: Hannah – will take it back to the office and follow up; she noted that the developer has certain responsibilities until the area is transferred to the city
Q: Wendy – will Lees Avenue bike paths be snow cleared?
A: Hannah – will follow up
7. Community Activities Group (CAG) report – Lee Jacobs, Director
- Successful year, great partnership with OOECA and look forward to more in 2025.
- 2024 – last event of the year –Light up OTH on Sat. Dec. 14 from 3pm to 5pm – tree lighting, crafts, cookie exchange, drinks, food drive – $ and food donations
8. Proposal – Facebook OOE Grapevine (Carol Workun)
- Recap of OCT meeting discussion before yielding the floor to Carol Workun
- Carol shared she is no longer in the neighbourhood, time to pass it on to group in the community, Spoken to a few residents who are interested in taking over the group, but would have no control over direction of group. Estimates time commitment at 5 minutes per day to manage group.
Discussion – Facebook proposal
John – wants to thank Carol for running group – highly useful tool, especially when no other communication tools were available (i.e. COVID). Obviously, we have to have the capacity
Kristine – Scan of social media presence of other CAs – none manage groups such as this one. Question if it is our CA’s role to manage this type of group. Also shared she does not have volunteer capacity to manage Facebook group on behalf of OOECA at this time – Other board member would need to take this on.
Gregg – Managing a Facebook group requires attention and time for moderation, and managing discussions that go sideways, and OOECA should leverage already established groups to amplify our visibility and reach.
Phyllis – scrolled through Grapevine, wonders where 2000 members come from, are all 2000 actively engaged in the group? Carol confirmed that engagement metrics say yes, most in group are actively engaged.
Alexandra – Echoed other board members in thanking Carol for having created and managed this group, and also echoed what others have said – doesn’t believe that CA has capacity for this.
Bob – Shared that social media interactions are a slippery slope.
Jayson – Need to consider what OOECA is about – conversations that might take place on Facebook – legitimate forum for people to converse, but not necessarily for OOECA to be moderating.
John – Hopes that Carol can find someone to continue the group.
Bob – agree that group deserves to be in the hands of someone in the community, and that group deserves to continue.
Action – Facebook group proposal
- No call for vote as majority are not in favour of taking over administration of Facebook group. Carol Workun will explore if she transfers the group to interested residents, or closes the group. She will update the board once decision is made.
9. Committee reports (links to tabled reports where applicable)
The Corners on Main and Greystone Village – Peter Tobin
- Greystone Village report tabled. Includes 15-17 Oblats construction update, statue of Mary to be relocated to the grounds of Immaculata High School, 2 traffic notices for Greystone Village.
Health and Safety – Georgia Blondon
- Health and Safety report tabled. January Board Meeting will include Meet and Greet with OOE Police community liaison.
Planning – Vacant
- Planning report tabled. Includes updates on 185 Hawthorne, feedback on Draft 1 of the New Zoning By-law (ZBL), comments on Lansdowne North Side Stands, and 15-17 Oblats DevApps links and statue relocation details and map.
- Greystone Village phases 3 and 4 starting in January and March. Regional has expressed willingness to meet with OOECA on the future of the 30m river corridor.
Transportation and Infrastructure – Tom Scott
- Transportation report tabled. Includes updates on 417 bridge replacement – MTO and link to Minister of ECP response to letter, Greenfield-Main-Hawthorne (GMH) winter reconstruction plans, Old Rideau River Railway Bridge links to City presentation and proposed motion.
- Following discussion on Rideau River Railway bridge, it was decided that a motion was not necessary.
Lansdowne – Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay
- Lansdowne report tabled. Alexandra encouraged attendees to refer to Planning report for comprehensive comments on North Side stands and shared City of Ottawa call for Indigenous public art facilitator for Lansdowne shared. Links in Lansdowne report.
FCA (Federation of Citizens’ Associations) – Ron Rose
- FCA report circulated to board prior to the meeting but could not be accessed by some. Report will be recirculated in different format.
- Call for volunteers shared – CPIP (community insurance plan) working groups x2. Ron will follow up with residents in OOE who expressed interest in supporting CPIP file.
Membership – Jayson MacLean
- 550 memberships in 2024, up from 370+ in 2023, and similar to 2022 at 537 members.
- Full report to be presented at January 2025 board meeting.
Parks and Greenspace – Vacant
- No report for December.
SLOE (Sustainable Living Ottawa East) – Vacant
- No report for December, however, SLOE project proposal submitted by Judith Kennedy. University student was also interested in this project as focus of survey she was developing.
- Tom Scott commented that province has changed authorities – legislation restricted to core mandates.
- Tom referenced Baxter conservation area as a great example to model – new boardwalk and bridge structure – received funding for design and for accessibility enhancements.
- Tom also cited RVCA’s recommendation for groups like ours to create a “Friends of” committee to secure municipal support.
Q&A – SLOE project proposal
C: Don – commented that $2,000 SLOE funds are lying dormant.
Q: Alexandra – Who has authority over funds?
A: Bob – if no substantive SLOE representative, OOECA has authority.
Action – SLOE project proposal
- Bob and Kristine to follow up with Judith Kennedy to discuss proposed next steps.
10. Proposal – Ottawa SUP (Laura Zak)
- Discussion was focused on need to have better understanding of possible impacts of Ottawa SUP operating in OOE on CAG programming.
Q&A – Ottawa SUP proposal
C: Lee mentioned he had not been approached directly by Ottawa SUP, would need proposal to present to CAG board.
C: Bob commented that he would like to meet with Lee and CAG board to discuss the request.
Action – Ottawa SUP proposal
- Bob to meet with Lee and CAG board to discuss proposal, impacts to CAG programs and revenue generation goals. He will reach out to Laura Zak following that discussion.
11. New business
- No new business.
12. Adjournment – Next meeting January 14, 2025, 7 p.m. ET
- Motion to adjourn meeting moved by Tom Scott, seconded by Jayson MacLean. All in favour.