Annual General Meeting – November 13
The OECA and CAG will be hosting their joint AGM on Tuesday, November 13, in the auditorium, Guigues Hall, Saint Paul University. Residents can buy and/or renew their OECA memberships before the meeting at 7 p.m., and then the AGM will commence at 7:15 p.m. View the draft agenda as well as a draft of the 2011 AGM minutes. On the agenda will be a discussion of the OECA’s revised constitution and bylaws. With the AGM fast approaching, the OECA’s membership drive is currently underway. A canvasser, probably from your street, will come by to sell a $3 (per household) membership card, and leave an AGM notice. The card entitles you to vote at the AGM, and the money supports the work of the OECA.
Canvassers are still needed for the following streets if you are able to help:
Clegg (north side from Main to Echo), Drummond, Glenora, Hazel, Herridge, Main (west side from Clegg to Hawthorne), McGillivray (south of Clegg) and Mutchmor. Please email bahicks (at) or call 613-236-3275 and ask for Barbara if you are able to help.