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COVID-19 – What you can do to help

March 22, 2020

These are stressful times for all of us, but there are things you can do to help.

  • Practice social distancing and other measures to help decrease transmission of COVID-19. Ottawa Public Health has a helpful breakdown of how social distancing works.
  • Self-monitor your health and those you’re living with for symptoms of COVID-19. If you think you or someone you’re living with may be experiencing symptoms, call Telehealth Ontario at +1-866-797-0000.
  • Self-isolate if you recently travelled outside of Canada.
  • Stay connected with people in your neighbourhood. Check in especially with neighbours including seniors who might be vulnerable or lonely or in need of help. If it’s someone with whom you aren’t well-acquainted, you can drop a notice in their mailbox to let them know they can contact you. 
  • Donate to Ottawa’s social services! The Ottawa Food Bank, United Way East Ontario, Ottawa Inner City Health … the list goes on. There are many organizations working in our community that could use your support. More broadly, Canada Helps has posted a list of charities woking across the country and around the world in COVID-19 relief efforts.
  • If you are having difficulty handling the current stress, you can contact the Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region.
  • Stay informed by visiting Ottawa Public Health’s updates and information on COVID-19 in Ottawa.

Good luck, stay safe and take care of those around you!

— from the board members of the Old Ottawa East Community Association